Our Partners
Our Guest Speakers
George Pickering(IATEFL)
George is a widely known educational coach, consultant and trainer who has worked in over 65 countries, including spending two years in North Africa as an English language teacher. He is currently a British Council senior inspector in the UK (Accreditation UK), the academic director of the English UK DELTM (Diploma in English Language Teaching Management) and a tutor on the IDLTM (International Diploma in Language Teaching Management). For many years, he was a trustee of IATEFL, and the co-ordinator of the IATEFL Leadership & Management SIG. His professional passions include: evidence-based education, psychology, change management, coaching and mentoring, and staff wellbeing and engagement.Heather Thomson (US Embassy)
Heather Thomson is a language educator with 12 years of experience at the secondary level. She has taught Spanish to high school students in the United States, and English as aSecond Language to adult learners internationally. She has also facilitated multiple teachertraining projects in Morocco via the Virtual English Language Fellowship. Heather holds aMaster’s degree in Teaching and Curriculum from Michigan State University.Isabel Callejas (US Embassy)
Isabel Callejas is an ESL educator and non-profit management professional, with a wide range ofexperiences teaching ESL to teenagers and adults, designing curriculum and mentoring teachers. She holds a master’s degree in education and a CELTA certificate and has been teaching English and workingin education since she was sixteen years old. Her hobbies include travelling, travelling and dreaming ofher next trip when she isn’t travelling. She also enjoys cultivating her lifelong and newer friendshipsspread out in different countries through online communication, spending time with her family, going tothe beach and visiting new restaurants every month. Shefeels honored to be visiting Morocco and can’twait to try some local dishes and learn more about Morocco’s history and music.Tamara Devine (US Embassy)
Tamara has been teaching English and French for more than a decade, both in independent K-12 schools and at the university level. She has an M.A in French and an M.A in TESOL from SIT GraduateInstitute in Vermont. She is currently pursuing doctoral studies in Applied Linguistics at the University ofConnecticut, where she teaches in the American English Language Institute.

General Information
Meals and coffee breaks
Breakfast is held at the hotel’s restaurants from 06:30 to 08:30 am. Coffee breaks are next to the conference rooms.
Lunch on Day 2*
Lunch is served from 13:05 to 14:30 at three different restaurants distributed as followed:
Restaurant Argon: ALC Casablanca, Rabat, Marrakesh, Board Members, and Guest Speakers.
Restaurant Oliver: ALC Tetouan and El Jadida.
Grand Chapiteau: ALC Agadir, Fes, Kenitra, Meknes, Mohammedia, Oujda and Tangier.
Conference rooms*
TEFL Conference is held in Kasbah 1 (Classroom Management), Kasbah 2 (Methodology & Activities), Madina 1 (General), Madina 2 (Productive Skills & Grammar) and Madina 3 (Receptive Skills & Technology)on the first floor.
ADMIN Conference is held in Assilah and Chaouen on the second floor.
Monday, January 23th
Opening Plenary: Learning from Covid responses and how we can effectively manage change in the future
The global pandemic gave us all a chance to learn how quickly we can act when we face an urgent crisis that requires immediate solutions.
What are the lessons we have learnt from this experience and how can we initiate and implement change effectively, as well as respond to future challenges?
Reference will be made to what language teaching organizations have learnt in different contexts and you will be given time to reflect on your own personal learnings.
We will also discuss what aspects of our organizations we might need to change in order for us to be ready to face confidently the challenges that we face in 2023 and beyond.
Hallway (Coffee Break & Poster Session)
POSTER - Model United Nations: Mold your Students into Leaders of Character
(ALC Fes)
Students enroll at the ALC to benefit from English classes. ALCs have clubs that students could benefit from to improve their soft skills. The poster presents a unique club, ALC-ALIF Model UN club. The poster encourages teachers’ initiatives to create clubs at their ALCs to raise students ‘awareness of the political and economic issues and sheds light on the importance of MUN in improving students’ English language skills.
Madina 1 (Workshop)
Hidden Surprises of Visual Learning: Comic Creation
(ALC Mohammedia)
This proposal follows a Project- Based Learning approach where students are assigned to create comics while working on the four skills (reading, listening, speaking and writing). Comics represent an opportunity to measure student comprehension of different concepts and also gives a chance for students to truly express themselves in a visually appealing way. Furthermore, comics can be a great way to introduce ELLs to the culture and humor of English-speakers. The students are given controlled activities in which they can recycle languages learned in class and then move to freer activities and more student-centered activities where learners can present their creations. This way the learner can acquire a more vivid mental image of the contexts studied in class.
Madina 2 (Workshop)
Grammaring in Student-Centered Classrooms
(ALC Marrakesh)
This workshop will focus on integrating grammaring into student-centered classrooms, first by presenting and uncovering grammar as a process and second by enabling learners to discover grammar in alternative ways through some enabling activities. The workshop will provide teachers with hands-on activities that tackle practical ways of integrating grammar effectively as a process in classrooms. The workshop will be hands-on and rich in interaction and group work.
Madina3 (Workshop)
Collaborative Reading Comprehension Strategies
Noureddine ATOUF, Latifa ERRAMI
(ALC El Jadida)
Foremost among higher-order thinking skills are activating background knowledge and making inferences. These skills, which are necessary for comprehension, can be challenging for students with reading difficulties, especially young learners. For adult ELLs, completing comprehension tasks may be hampered due to limited vocabulary and grammar. When students work individually, comprehension tasks can be frustrating for the students and teacher. In this workshop, we demonstrate three collaborative strategies, namely Think-Pair-Share, Listen-Read-Discuss and Jigsaw, to promote reading comprehension skills.
Kasbah 1 (Workshop)
Classroom Management in a Nutshell
Classroom management is the direct contact teachers have with students. During this contact, teachers should be mindful of the various and interconnected needs of the learners, some of which are unexpected. This meeting hopes to shed some light on major classroom management techniques, with reference to the literature, and find out the best solution for the situations that pop up.
Kasbah 2 (Workshop)
4 Collaborative-Learning Activities to Enhance Learners' Communication Skills
(ALC Casablanca)
Collaborative learning (CL) is a classroom practice which involves assigning learners to work in groups to do an activity or a task. This practice is associated with learner-centered education, as it incites learners to teach and learn from each other to perform the task at hand. Research established a link between collaborative learning and the effective development of learners' communicative skills. (Álvarez & Bassa, 2013; Kirbaş, 2017; Koşar, 2021; Pattanpichet, 2011).
Madina 1 (Workshop)
Screening/Meeting ALC Learners’ Inclusionary Needs: A UDL Framework
Mohammed GUAMGUAMI (ALC Oujda)
Applied research has proved that learners differ markedly in the way they are engaged and motivated, have different patterns of comprehension, and need appropriate ways of action and expression. So teachers should employ techniques to screen their students’ needs. Screening assists teachers to opt for inclusive strategies to meet the learning goals. Practically, the audience will learn how to implement Universal Design for Learning as a pedagogic inclusive education framework.
Madina 2 (Workshop)
Public Speaking as an Important 21st Century Soft Skill
Mohammed ETTAOUASS (ALC Fes)
The purpose of this presentation is to shed light on the significance of public speaking as a 21st century soft skill. A theoretical background in public speaking will be provided, as well as discussion of its importance and suggestions on how to increase confidence and overcome stage fright. The practical section will be centered on certain tasks that teachers may assign to their students in order to help them develop their public speaking skills.
Madina3 (Workshop)
Interactive Activities for Reading Fluency
Abdelhakim BOUBEKRI
(ALC Casablanca)
For various reasons, reading fluency has been called “the forgotten dimension of reading success” (Samuels and Farstrup, 2006). In this vein, this activity share aims to fill this gap and introduce various activities to develop reading fluency. The activities target almost all students’ levels. Teachers can use the activities to develop both students’ lower-thinking skills and higher-thinking skills. In this activity share, teachers will be exposed to a number of activities to adapt and use in their classes.
Kasbah 1 (Workshop)
The Art of Becoming a Child to Teach a Child (And Teen/Adults)
Yassine SKHOUN
(ALC Mohammedia)
In my presentation, I’ll be sharing activities that require little or no preparation and can also be used as classroom management tools. I’ll be presenting a game called “Pirate Ship” and showing how teachers can customize this game according to their needs. I’ll also introduce a simplified version of the famous role-playing game, “Dungeons and Dragons” and demonstrate how it can be used to practice the four skills and manage classes at the same time. Finally, I’ll run a percussion activity that can be used to show students the importance of simple rules in the classroom. Teachers will learn new approaches will be of how ton making make classes lessons fun while maintaining a healthy classroom environment.
Kasbah 2 (Workshop)
Guided Discoveries for Fun Learning
Serine MESSARI, Khaoula MOUMEN
(ALC Tangier)
Grammar can be a real challenge for students, and the problem is generally due to how lessons are presented. By using Guided Discoveries (GD), Students generally learn the target language indirectly without being under pressure! In this workshop, we are introducing new fun methods where teachers can gamify the GDs to make it more fun and engaging.
Madina 1 (Workshop)
The Power of Color
Mounia NGOTE
(ALC Rabat)
My years of teaching have enabled me to see how color coding could help simplify both my teaching and my students’ learning, which explains why colors have become an essential part of my teaching methodology. I would like to invite you to join me in this hands-on workshop, where we will explore some great ways of using colors, from writing on the board, to using colored paper, cards or rods, in order to teach our students both attractively and effectively.
Madina 2 (Workshop)
Let's all Make Grammar Motivating
(ALC Agadir)
As any teacher has experienced, students generally hate grammar. They hate grammar as they hate taking a cold shower in the winter. This hatred hinders them from speaking or writing freely to allow ideas to flow and frequently make their productions slow and unsuccessful. This workshop will raise the teachers’ consciousness to the difficulty of teaching grammar and suggest some activities that make writing fun with more focus on ideas than form.
Madina3 (Workshop)
Lesson & Activities Integration via Google Slides
Kaytlyn AFFANE
(ALC El Jadida)
Are you tired of having to use your remote to change sources from presentations to audio or video? Why not save time in class and make an all-inclusive presentation instead? In this workshop, attendees will learn how to include everything they need for an effective lesson into a google slides presentation. They will see examples of a children and/or junior lesson plan as well as an adult lesson plan from a teacher experienced in Google Suite products.
Kasbah 1 (Workshop)
Maximizing Student Talk-time
(ALC Marrakesh)
It is a fallacy to think that because teacher talk time is low that student talk time is high. This presentation will explore basic concepts of teaching modes and how they relate to each individual students’ opportunity to practice speaking. I will share some basic known ways to each individuals maximize student talk time such as Think-Pair-Share and small groups to maximize total student involvement. I will model the techniques throughout this interactive presentation.
Kasbah 2 (Workshop)
Understanding Intercultural Communication Through Language Teaching
(ALC Mohammedia)
When interacting with another language, you are also interacting with the culture and subcultures that speak the language. Many language learners come across challenges in intercultural communication, such as anxiety and stress, adjustment, and the lack of cultural awareness. In order to address these issues, this presentation aims to help teachers to have a better understanding of how intricately language teaching and culture are intertwined. It will inspire them to adopt more intercultural activities in their classrooms and to better enhance students’ cultural competence while reinforcing the target language. As teachers of the American Language Center, it is vital that all American cultures are taken into consideration when teaching English, not just the dominant ones. Therefore, this presentation will be conducted through an interactive intercultural simulation activity that illustrates how impactful differences in communication styles can be and how this relates to language learning.
Restaurant Argon
ALC Casablanca, Rabat, Marrakesh, Board Members, and Guest Speakers
Restaurant Oliver
ALC Tetouan and El Jadida
Grand Chapiteau
ALC Agadir, Fes, Kenitra, Meknes, Mohammedia, Oujda and Tangier
Madina 1 (Workshop)
Raising Cultural Sensitivity in EFL Classes
Mohammed MSASSI
(ALC Tangier)
Culture has a major impact on our students. To a great extent, it defines such important aspects of their lives as values, attitudes, customs, and language use. Hence, it is imperative to target raising students’ cultural awareness to inspire generations of global citizens and foster appreciation of the differences around us. During this workshop a number of Monday-morning-ready, and low prep class activities and projects are to be shared. Attendees will participate in a range of hands-on, practical learning tasks.
Madina 2 (Workshop)
Turning Student Presentations into a Learning and Enjoyable Experience: Ten Tips from the Classroom
Abderrahim AMGHAR
(ALC Fes)
In this presentation, the participants will learn about 10 tips they can use to help their students give effective presentations. All tips have been developed from experience and have been tried in the classroom. More importantly, participants will learn about the problems they may encounter in trying to implement these tips and how they should go about solving them.
Madina3 (Workshop)
Integrating Visual Media in the Classroom
(ALC Kenitra)
Are you bored of your textbook? Want something that makes learning a sure fire-way to have fun with your students. Then use visual media materials in your class. In this workshop, participants will experience some activities for integrating memes and movie input materials in the classroom. In addition, the workshop will offer the participants a chance to discuss and share their best practices of using such materials.
Kasbah 1 (Workshop)
Mitigating Feedback through the SBI Framework
(ALC Oujda)
The main aim of this hands-on workshop is to raise awareness towards how feedback is given in instructional environments and build effective practices. It seeks to enable participants to reflect on their own ways of giving feedback and draw on the Situation-Behavior Impact (SBI) feedback model to improve performance, build stronger relationships, and increase engagement and commitment. This workshop is meant to be interactive and practical as it involves the participants in classroom-based tasks and scenarios that explore the types of feedback including teacher to student, student to student, and student-to-teacher-initiated interactions.
Kasbah 2 (Workshop)
Incorporating Indigenous Pedagogy in Mainstream Academic Classrooms
Francesca GALLARDO
(ALC Mohammedia )
The main aim of this hands-on workshop is to raise awareness towards how feedback is given in instructional environments and build effective practices. It seeks to enable participants to reflect on their own ways of giving feedback and draw on the Situation-Behavior Impact (SBI) feedback model to improve performance, build stronger relationships, and increase engagement and commitment. This workshop is meant to be interactive and practical as it involves the participants in classroom-based tasks and scenarios that explore the types of feedback including teacher to student, student to student, and student-to-teacher-initiated interactions.
Madina 1 (Workshop)
Finding Truth in Media: Developing Media Literacy Skills for ALC Students
Rachida NASRI
(ALC Oujda)
This workshop aims to introduce/reinforce ALC learners’ media literacy skills to be able to critically analyze and create media messages creatively and responsibly. Incorporating media studies within curriculum is a prerequisite for learners as they are bombarded with a huge amount of information. Teachers move around, read some news, evaluate them and discuss their impact on society. They work in groups and shape media, recognize facts, biases, misinformation, and create media messages using a check-list for reliability, credibility and appreciation.
Madina 2 (Workshop)
Teaching Through Stories
(ALC Mohammedia)
Throughout history, stories have been a fundamental means of transmitting knowledge, morals, language, culture and other important information crucial to the continuity of humankind; they may even have been the reason why we have survived so far. Their ability to join people together and demand their attention and interest has the potential to bring lessons to life. Therefore, using stories, orally or through literary texts, is a powerful tool which every classroom should experiment with. This workshop will show teachers some methods and activities on how to integrate short stories into the teaching of the four skills while also transmitting vital soft skills as the same time. It will be a hands-on experience for teachers to have some fun with stories themselves while also learning how to use them in their classrooms as well.
Madina3 (Workshop)
Listening Strategies for Effective Learning
Abderrahman SIDI HIDA
(ALC Marrakesh)
Listening comprehension is at the heart of the teaching/learning enterprise. Using a process-oriented approach (as opposed to product-oriented) promotes autonomy and prepares learners to decipher input and identify challenges that impede comprehension. Shifting the focus onto process enables learners to design listening strategies for success when listening to English language outside the classroom. The facilitator, in this workshop, will demonstrate how to adopt pedagogical strategies to help learners process listening input, thereby developing their listening and communicative abilities. If you are interested in discussing the topic, please come to the workshop.
Kasbah 1 (Workshop)
Meeting your Introverted Students' Needs
(ALC Tangier)
Understanding students’ personalities is of paramount importance in the learning process. It is vital that educators familiarize themselves with introverted students’ learning needs. This paves the way for establishing an emotionally supportive atmosphere as introverts’ foremost concern is emotional comfort. Only once that concern is addressed can they be engaged in the learning process. Being equipped with techniques to engage quiet or introverted students is essential to nurturing their confidence. In this workshop, participants will take part in hands-on activities that will enhance introverts’ classroom engagement.
Kasbah 2 (Workshop)
Implementation of the Extra-Curricular into the Classroom - The Case of Team-Building Activities
(ALC Casablanca)
Teambuilding is regarded, either in the workplace or in school, as an ongoing process that is meant to help a group of workmates or classmates evolve as one cohesive unit. As it has been used in the workspace with the objective is to make teams more homogeneous, it has also been implemented into the classroom where it has been used to enhance group dynamics in order to make the experience of learning more efficient and productive.
POSTER - Google Certified Educator: What & Why?
(ALC Kenitra)
Not many teachers know about Google Skillshop/Teacher Center, which offers free courses on how to use Google Apps in Education. The affordable (optional) certification which proves the educator’s skill level opens up a whole world of networking and access to even more tips, tricks, and free trainings by 21st century teacher-leaders in the Ed-Tech arena. The objective of this poster presentation is to motivate the teachers to become Google Certified Educators and provide support on their journey.
Hallway (Coffee Break & Poster Session)
Madina 1 (Workshop)
Beyond Stress: If you can't help yourself, it's very hard to help others
(ALC Oujda)
Establishing a self-care practice is believed to be just as important as the work we do for students. In this workshop, the participants will first discuss the WHAT and the WHY of self-care. This will be followed with a personal assessment activity, where each participant will find out where they stand on the spectrum of self-care. The ultimate activity will be creating a practical personalized action plan. Focus will be put on individualized strategies that teachers can implement inside and outside the classroom.
Madina 2 (Workshop)
Building Communicative Competence Through Strategy Training
(ALC Marrakesh)
The lack of fluency or conversational skills that students often complain about is, to a considerable extent, due to the underdevelopment of strategic competence. This workshop will introduce English teachers to this often-neglected construct and present them with practical ideas and activities to enhance some aspects of message adjustment and resource expansion skills.
Madina3 (Workshop)
Make Formative Assessment Fun with these Online Tools
(ALC Mohammedia)
Formative assessment is an integral part of effective instruction. However, the way this assessment is applied in our classrooms is often monotonous. The purpose of this workshop is to shed light on two of the best free web-based tools to create fun and engaging games that can be used for formative assessment, namely Quizizz and Baamboozle. During this workshop, we will learn together how to create and use these two online tools to make formative assessment appealing to learners. For seasoned users, we will also cover lesser-known tricks and tips to enhance your assessment.
Kasbah 1 (Workshop)
Using Humor to Engage Students in the Classroom
(ALC Fes)
The objective of the presentation is to describe theoretical reasons for using humor in the classroom, implementing fun activities which depend on language play like narratives, puns, riddles, and tongue twisters. The action plan defines humor, reasons to use it, its types (activities), and its challenges in the classroom. Most of the presentation is based on interacting with audience who will also participate in fun activities to spice up the session.
Kasbah 2 (Workshop)
Enhancing Students' Autonomy Through Critical Thinking Activities
(ALC Meknes)
The workshop aims at shedding light on the importance of integrating critical thinking skills and activities in ELT classes. The purpose for doing so is to foster students’ autonomy and engagement in class since language learning achievement depends primarily on this. Furthermore, critical thinking skills help students take responsibility for their learning by giving them opportunities to think and act as global citizens able to think critically. Along with a brief theoretical framework, the audience will be invited to actively practice some critical thinking activities.
Madina 1 (Workshop)
Coordinator Roundtable Discussions - (1) Academic, (2) Cultural, and (3) Community
Madina 2 (Workshop)
Teaching Topic Roundtable Discussions
Mounia NGOTE,
- How to Create Effective Tasks for Communication in the Classroom by Yassine BOUSSAGUI, ALC Mohammedia
- Let’s Meditate by Mounia NGOTE, ALC Rabat
- Incorporating Professional English Concepts into General English Courses by Oussama LAMAANKACHE, ALC Mohammedia
Madina3 (Workshop)
Teaching Topic Roundtable Discussions
- 5Es of Nearpod: Digital Interactivity for Increased Engagement by Martina MATEJAS, ALC Kenitra
- Exploring the Effects of Personal Writing Tasks on Moroccan Learners’ Accuracy and Fluency in the English Language Classroom by Mohcine JEBBOUR, ALC Meknes
- Using Warm-up Activities In The Classroom by Mustapha EL BARHOUMI, ALC Casablanca
Kasbah 1 (Workshop)
Never a Dull Moment while Teaching: a Selection of Fun Activities to Get Students Engaged, & Tips for Classroom Management
Mohammed Amine HASSINE
(ALC Mohammedia)
Many teachers try to vary the types of activities they do with their juniors and teenage students, but worry about how to make it practical and keep their interest. The aim of this presentation is to offer great options of fun, practical English games -for technophiles and technophobes alike- that will contribute to our teaching task. It will illustrate how these games are fruitful when it comes to acquiring new vocabulary, challenging students’ logic in English, and much more. The presentation will also offer a few handles on how to keep the classroom in check without interrupting the flow.
Kasbah 2 (Workshop)
Main Ingredients for a Tasty Writing Lesson
Mohamed Tawfik JRIFI (ALC Agadir)
This is an interactive workshop that aims at refreshing teachers’ minds about important techniques and strategies to develop their students’ writing skills. The workshop is based on findings from empirical research in the field of EFL/ESL writing pedagogy and will feature hands-on activities offering valuable takeaways for teachers. The main tenet of the workshop is to invite teachers to be eclectic in adapting key features from different approaches to the teaching of writing to better address the needs of their students.
Tuesday, January 24th
Madina 1 (Workshop)
Communication Rush: Build Effective Communication
(Red Rock International)
The group is split into sets of two teams. At the start of the exercise, each team will learn how to perform a unique activity, such as one team building and operating a crane and the other making a marble run. Once the teams have performed their tasks, they will meet and have 15 minutes for the “communication rush”. They need to explain to their partner team how to do the task they have just completed. They also need to understand from their partner team how to do the task they did. Teams will then change over. They will attempt the task they have learned from the other team.
Madina 2 (Workshop)
Lock Box Fun: Teambuilding Activity
Do you like to use clues to solve puzzles? Do you enjoy working with others? In this fun activity teachers will work in teams putting their knowledge to the test as they solve clues to gain access to a treasure box of prizes.
Madina 1 (Workshop)
Let’s Talk! Quick and Easy Activities to Get Students Speaking
Heather THOMSON (US Embassy)
Learn some engaging activities that encourage students to start speaking and interacting in their second language. From scaffolded activities, to games, to thought-provoking topics, there are lots of ways to motivate students to practice speaking. Let’s get up, let’s get moving, and let’s get talking!
Madina 2 (Workshop)
Do we ever really grow up? Using Children’s Literature in the Adult ESL Classroom
Isabel CALLEJAS (US Embassy)
Children’s literature can serve several purposes and can be used in a variety of engaging and attractive activities with teenagers and adults of different levels. In this workshop, you will see examples of popular American children’s books and how they can be used to teach grammar, pronunciation, writing and speaking skills. It will also touch upon the importance of linking ones prior experiences (by awakening their inner child) for more effective and memorable learning experiences.
Madina 3 (Workshop)
Building Intercultural Competence and Global Citizenship in ELT
Tamara DEVINE (US Embassy)
How do we prepare our students to enter our global, fast-moving, and multilingual world? In the session, we will explore ways to embed cultural learning and self-awareness into our language teaching, in a way that promotes learner curiosity, empathy, and criticality.
ADMIN Conference
Monday, January 23rd
Opening Plenary: Learning from Covid responses and how we can effectively manage change in the future
The global pandemic gave us all a chance to learn how quickly we can act when we face an urgent crisis that requires immediate solutions.
What are the lessons we have learnt from this experience and how can we initiate and implement change effectively, as well as respond to future challenges?
Reference will be made to what language teaching organizations have learnt in different contexts and you will be given time to reflect on your own personal learnings.
We will also discuss what aspects of our organizations we might need to change in order for us to be ready to face confidently the challenges that we face in 2023 and beyond.
Coffee Break
Assilah (Workshop)
Team-Building: An Input to Productivity in the Workplace
(ALC Casablanca)
A team that is able to collaborate and work in unison is a strong team able to achieve the highest goals. Hence comes the need to integrate team-building in the workplace as an ongoing process to help coworkers evolve as one cohesive unit. In this hands-on workshop, we will share 10 team-building activities that you can incorporate into your ALC to promote teamwork, collaboration, problem-solving, decision making and trust among the admin staff at the ALCs
Chaouen (Poster Session)
Teaching Children with Visual Impairment: Creating Empowering Classrooms
Abdelrhani ZNATI ZEIZAE (ALC Fes)
The presentation focuses on skills/ techniques, the visual impairments students need to be educated. Teachers/staff require some skills to ensure that the classrooms are inclusive and accommodate visual impaired student. The presentation highlights the main factors of an expanded core curriculum. Also, teachers/staff make sure that visual impaired students have the same access to knowledge as sighted learners. The presentation shows how to make the classrooms more inclusive and adapted to students with visual impairments.
Assilah (Poster Session)
Customer Satisfaction: Six Strategies for Continuous Improvement
Abdelhadi AL AZIZ (ALC Casablanca)
We all demand first-rate customer service, but are we delivering it ourselves, or are we just getting by? Do you know what your customers think of you and your company? Do you know what it takes to keep them coming back, and referring their friends? Do you know your customers’ needs and are you delivering on those needs? In this presentation, I’m going to share tips on how to make your customers feel important, and how to recover from customer service mistakes.
Workshop about Social Media
Ghizlane AITTAH, Lahcen KHATIR
(ALC Agadir)
The goal of this workshop is to encourage all centers to work on their social media pages (Instagram, Tiktok, and Facebook) and to get closer to students and the residents of their cities through social media. The goal is also to work on new ideas for good results that will be seen in the future.
Assilah (Workshop)
Restaurant Argon
ALC Casablanca, Rabat, Marrakesh, Board Members, and Guest Speakers
Restaurant Oliver
ALC Tetouan and El Jadida
Grand Chapiteau
ALC Agadir, Fes, Kenitra, Meknes, Mohammedia, Oujda and Tangier
Assilah (Workshop)
(Red Rock International)
Participants get small blank tiles along with code sheets that indicate what colors they should use on each tile. After they complete each tile as per the code sheet, they add it to the frame according to its row and column number. All the teams ultimately work together to create one huge mosaic masterpiece. Each tile is supposed to have a specific color. However, the drawing and/or writing in this color are completely up to the individual completing the tile. This gives a sense of togetherness while viewing the whole project while also showing our individual creativity.
Coffee Break
Assilah (Workshop)
Mosaic (Continuance)
(Red Rock International)
Participants get small blank tiles along with code sheets that indicate what colors they should use on each tile. After they complete each tile as per the code sheet, they add it to the frame according to its row and column number. All the teams ultimately work together to create one huge mosaic masterpiece. Each tile is supposed to have a specific color. However, the drawing and/or writing in this color are completely up to the individual completing the tile. This gives a sense of togetherness while viewing the whole project while also showing our individual creativity.
Tuesday, January 24th
Madina 1 (Workshop)
Communication Rush: Build Effective Communication
(Red Rock International)
The group is split into sets of two teams. At the start of the exercise, each team will learn how to perform a unique activity, such as one team building and operating a crane and the other making a marble run. Once the teams have performed their tasks, they will meet and have 15 minutes for the “communication rush”. They need to explain to their partner team how to do the task they have just completed. They also need to understand from their partner team how to do the task they did. Teams will then change over. They will attempt the task they have learned from the other team.
Madina 2 (Workshop)
Lock Box Fun: Teambuilding Activity
Do you like to use clues to solve puzzles? Do you enjoy working with others? In this fun activity teachers will work in teams putting their knowledge to the test as they solve clues to gain access to a treasure box of prizes.
Madina 1 (Workshop)
Let’s Talk! Quick and Easy Activities to Get Students Speaking
Heather THOMSON (US Embassy)
Learn some engaging activities that encourage students to start speaking and interacting in their second language. From scaffolded activities, to games, to thought-provoking topics, there are lots of ways to motivate students to practice speaking. Let’s get up, let’s get moving, and let’s get talking!
Madina 2 (Workshop)
Do we ever really grow up? Using Children’s Literature in the Adult ESL Classroom
Isabel CALLEJAS (US Embassy)
Children’s literature can serve several purposes and can be used in a variety of engaging and attractive activities with teenagers and adults of different levels. In this workshop, you will see examples of popular American children’s books and how they can be used to teach grammar, pronunciation, writing and speaking skills. It will also touch upon the importance of linking ones prior experiences (by awakening their inner child) for more effective and memorable learning experiences.
Madina 3 (Workshop)
Building Intercultural Competence and Global Citizenship in ELT
Tamara DEVINE (US Embassy)
How do we prepare our students to enter our global, fast-moving, and multilingual world? In the session, we will explore ways to embed cultural learning and self-awareness into our language teaching, in a way that promotes learner curiosity, empathy, and criticality.