About the TOEIC Test

The TOEIC (Test of English for International Communication) test is an English-language proficiency test for people whose native language is not English . It measures the everyday English skills of people working in an international environment . The scores indicate how well people can communicate in English with others in business, commerce, and industry . The test does not require specialised knowledge or vocabulary beyond that of a person who uses English in everyday work activities

TOEIC Test Format

The TOEIC test is a two-hour multiple-choice test that consists of 200 questions divided into two sections:

  • Listening Section: The Listening section tests how well you understand spoken English .It consists of four parts and contains 100 questions administered by audio cassette or CD . You will be asked to answer questions based on a variety of statements, questions, conversations, and talks recorded in EnglishTotal time: approximately 45 minutes
  • Reading Section: The Reading section includes three parts, testing how well you understand written English . You will read a variety of materials and respond at your own pace to 100 questions based on the content of the materials provided to you . Total time: 75 minutes

Frequently Asked Questions

Who takes the TOEIC test?

  • Personnel who use English in real-life work settings, such as businesses, hotels, hospitals, restaurants, international meetings, conventions, and sporting events
  • Managerial, sales, and technical employees in international business, commerce, and industry who require English for their work
  • Individuals who are preparing to enter the workplace
  • Candidates for training to be conducted in English
  • Individuals in English-language training programmes

Why take the TOEIC test?

The TOEIC test is the choice of nearly five million test takers a year and is recognised by thousands of corporations . As a fair and objective measure of English proficiency, the TOEIC test will enable you to :

  • Verify your current level of English proficiency
  • Qualify for a new position and/or promotion in a company
  • Enhance your professional credentials
  • Monitor your progress in English
  • Set your own learning goals
  • Involve your employer in advancing your English ability

When and where can I take the TOEIC test?

The TOEIC test is available throughout the world . Testing can be arranged through corporations or other organisations that ask employees or job applicants to take the TOEIC test . In addition, many language-training programmes and schools offer TOEIC testing . If testing has not been arranged through your organisation, you can contact your local E TS Preferred Associate to find out when and where you can take the test .

How often can I take the TOEIC test?

TOEIC Public Testing is scheduled by the local ETS Preferred Associate . Contact your local E TS Preferred Associate for more information on test dates, locations,and how to register .

Institutional Testing is scheduled by your institution and can be taken as offered . Contact your institution for more information

How much does the TOEIC test cost?

TOEIC prices vary worldwide . To inquire about pricing in your area, contact your local E TS Preferred Associate .

What score do I need to “pass” the TOEIC test?

The TOEIC test is not the kind of test that you “pass” or “fail .” Not every job or task requires the same level of English proficiency . Because it was developed specifically to meet the needs of the workplace, the TOEIC test measures many levels of ability . It enables test takers to demonstrate what they currently can accomplish in English . The single, continuous scale also makes it possible for learners to set attainable goals and to measure their progress as their English improves .
Many companies use the TOEIC test to set their own
score standards based on the levels of English necessary to carry out particular responsibilities . Your company may require employees to have a minimum TOEIC score due to the corresponding level of English that is needed on the job . Many companies offer English-language training to help their employees reach target TOEIC scores, which reflect specific levels of proficiency based on professional need

From what kind of contexts are the TOEIC test questions drawn?

These are some examples of the settings, situations, and formats you may find in TOEIC test questions:

  • Corporate Development: research, product development
  • Dining Out: business and informal lunches, banquets,receptions, restaurant reservations
  • Entertainment: cinema, theatre, music, art,exhibitions, museums, media
  • Finance and Budgeting: banking, investments, taxes,accounting, billing
  • General Business: contracts, negotiations, mergers, marketing, sales, warranties, business planning, conferences, labour relations
  • Health: medical insurance, visiting doctors, dentists, clinics, hospitals
  • Housing/Corporate Property: construction, specifications, buying and renting, electric and gas services
  • Manufacturing: assembly lines, plant management, quality control
  • Offices: board meetings, committees, letters, memoranda, telephone, fax and e-mail messages, office equipment and furniture, office procedures
  • Personnel: recruiting, hiring, retiring, salaries, promotions, job applications, job advertisements, pensions, awards
  • Purchasing: shopping, ordering supplies, shipping, invoices
  • Technical Areas: electronics, technology, computers, laboratories and related equipment, technical specifications
  • Travel: trains, airplanes, taxis, buses, ships, ferries, tickets, schedules, station and airport announcements, car rentals, hotels, reservations, delays, and cancellations

If I have a disability, can I still take the TOEIC test?

The TOEIC programme and its local E TS Preferred Associates, in response to requests from individuals with disabilities, will make special arrangements with test centre supervisors to administer the TOEIC test with accommodations . Among the accommodations that can be provided are extended testing time, breaks, audio esting, large print, braille and non-audio (without oral stimulus) versions of the test, or other aids customarily used by the test taker . All requests for accommodations must be approved in accordance with TOEIC programme policies and procedures . These procedures are located on the website at www.ets.org/toeic


Why does the TOEIC programme require test takers to use only pencils and no other writing instruments?

It has always been the industry standard, set by makers of the optical scanners used to read answer sheets, that only No . 2 pencils be used to mark responses on the answer sheets . This ensures proper reading of the response ovals during the scoring process . Like other testing programmes, ETS requires TOEIC test takers to use only No . 2 pencils to fill in the answer sheets . Other writing instruments, such as pens, are not permitted, as they can make the answers bleed over or stain the answer sheets in a way that causes errors in scanning . ETS makes the No . 2 pencil requirement clear to all test takers, and if the use of other instruments creates errors in the scanning process, the result is the test taker’s sole responsibility.

The TOEIC programme does not permit mechanical pencils, mechanical erasers, or pens into the testing room because security incidents in the past have demonstrated that information can be brought into the test room, or test items can be removed from the test room, using an unapproved writing instrument .

How is the test scored?

Scores are determined by the number of correct answers, which is converted to a scaled score . The score report provides Listening, Reading, and total scaled scores . The total scaled score is derived by adding the 2 scaled scores together

Why are raw scores (i .e ., number-correct scores) not reported to test takers?

The TOEIC item development process includes a rigorous series of reviews that ensure all items meet E TS’s quality and fairness standards . Individual test forms are then carefully assembled so that each test form is similar in overall difficulty to other test forms . Nevertheless, some minor variations in test-form difficulty are expected across forms . As a result, a test taker may achieve a higher or lower raw score depending on the individual form (assuming his or her ability remains the same) . In short, raw scores from different test forms are not comparable, due to inevitable differences in overall form difficulty.

For this reason, the TOEIC programme has established the policy that raw scores should not be reported to test takers . To ensure comparable scores, only scaled scores are reported to test takers . Scaled scores are transformed and derived from test takers’ raw scores through a proven statistical procedure called “equating .” This procedure adjusts for test-form difficulty and establishes the relationship between test takers’ raw and scaled scores so that the scaled scores from different test administrations are comparable.

Why are TOEIC raw-score- to-scaled-score conversion tables not disclosed to the public?

Statistical analysis is conducted after each Public Testing
administration (also known as a Secure Programme
administration), and a unique raw-score-to-scaled-score conversion table is created for each test form based on statistical equating results . Scaled scores that are comparable across different test forms are then reported back to the test takers . The TOEIC scaled score range is from 5 to 495 on both the listening and reading sections.

As each test form will be reused multiple times in different areas of the world, the TOEIC programme has a policy not to release test forms, for security reasons . Since test forms are not released to the public, the conversion table that is unique to each test form is not released either . A conversion table, used for reporting scaled scores, is of no practical use to the public when the test form to which it applies is not disclosed . In fact, the conversion table may fall subject to misuse if it is applied to the wrong test form and results in incorrect scaled scores being calculated

Who uses the test?

Many leading companies, academic institutions, and language programmes worldwide rely on the TOEIC Listening and Reading test as a fair, objective measure of English-language proficiency for students and business professionals . Individuals who take the test include:

  • employees who work at hotels, hospitals, restaurants,international meetings, conventions, and sporting events and need to use English on a daily basis.
  • individuals employed in managerial, sales, and echnical positions in international business, commerce, and industry who use English to communicate in their jobs
  • new entrants to the workforce

Why are TOEIC test items and answer keys not disclosed to the public?

TOEIC test forms are used in multiple test administrations and therefore must be maintained under secure conditions at all times . If the items and answer keys were disclosed to the public, such exposure would erode the integrity of the testing programme . In addition, TOEIC test items and answer keys are protected by copyright law as property of E TS, the copyright holder of the TOEIC test . For this reason, E TS’s TOEIC test items and answer keys should not be disclosed or used for any purpose without written permission by E TS